Bridging The Gap Between Work And Wellbeing
Partnering with Whole Health Wellness and enrolling in our tax-advantaged wellness program delivers immediate, tangible FICA tax savings for employers. On average, organizations save $435 per employee annually, while gaining access to a comprehensive range of services, including:
– Personalized 1:1 wellness sessions tailored to each employee’s unique health risks and goals
– Secure, 24/7 telehealth with unlimited mental health services at no co-pay
– A powerful wellness platform from US Health Center, validated by the Validation Institute
– Options for employees to purchase voluntary benefits with no out-of-pocket costs, through their average, annual tax savings of $2,000
Additionally, employers can reinvest these savings in a curated selection of onsite and online wellness services, proven to reduce healthcare premiums by enhancing team health.
Major key benefits of an employee wellness program include:
- Reduced sick leave & absenteeism
- Reduced health claims workers’ compensation costs
- Improved employee health & engagement
- Improved corporate culture & stronger cohesion
- Improved morale & job satisfaction
- Shared company goals & values
- Easier recruitment & higher retention
- Improved client relationships & profitability
Whole Health Wellness takes a whole-person approach to enhancing the wellbeing of your workforce.

Investing in programs that encompass a holistic approach to well-being enables you to engage everyone, no matter where they are on their wellness journey.